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Bring Your Own Device

The Mechanicsburg Area School District is committed to aiding students and staff in creating a 21st century learning environment. We are implementing a technology initiative that will aid in this goal. Students at the high school will now be able to access our wireless network with their personal devices (laptops, netbooks, tablets, etc) during the school day. With classroom teacher approval, students may use their own devices to access the internet and collaborate with other students.

Many schools across the nation are implementing Bring Your Own Device policies for their students and staff. By allowing students to use their own technology on campus we are hoping to increase the access all students have to the technology they need to succeed.



Why are we doing this?

  • Applications accessed by a web browser, like Google Docs, eliminate the need to have specific software loaded onto every student computer.
  • Cloud based computing allows students to access their information from any computer with a web browser.
  • The current economic times require unique strategies to ensure every student has equitable access to online resources.


21 Century Learning

We believe equitable access to technology will aid our students in becoming...

  • information producers rather than information consumers.
  • self-directed learners and collaborative team players.